Sunday, February 17, 2013


Here we are on a Saturday night. This has been an odd month with the Blizzard of 2013 last week and an impending snow storm tonight, we decided to pick up Diane and Steve and keeping with the "someplace new" theme headed to John Brewer's Tavern.

We realized by going here another theme emerged as that of places with Tavern in the name.

We entered a cozy and warm place. Plenty of seating and a bar along one side. It's in a small strip mall so parking was not a problem. The staff was very welcoming and lead us to a booth right away. The theme seems to be a throw-back to the old days of Taverns as public meeting places in a town.

The funny thing about coming here is we have tried to dine a number of times only to have come on nights of private parties or staff holiday parties. So tonight we made it in. My Dad loves to come here for dinner as they serve all the comfort foods he enjoys. And it's close to where he lives.

We had a great server who was very friendly and knowledgeable. We started with a round of drinks and Karen enjoyed a draft beer sampler which included all local breweries.

Some apps and salads were the next course and were served up promptly by the kitchen staff.

Diane and Steve had the Romantic Special that had an App, Salad, Entree and Desert for a reduced price.

Diane opted for some seafood.

While Steve stuck with the tried and true Steak Tips.

You'll notice his signature double hit of potato and no veggies!

Karen had the Steak tips and a double hit of veggies.

She thought they were good, not great, and she liked how the veggies were done. Not a lot of butter and oil, just fresh cut veggies.

I had the Meatloaf. I'm a big fan of meatloaf as comfort food.

It was tasty with a good mushroom gravy. I would have liked it made with a little more meat and not so much filler. When I make it it's always more meat. Unless the grind they used was too fine.

We all finished with a dessert. Karen and I shared a Banana Bread Pudding with Vanilla Ice Cream that was very good.

Overall, we enjoyed our meal. It wasn't the best we have had but it was good fare at good prices. Waitstaff was attentive and friendly.

We'll be back to try other dishes on the menu.

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