Saturday, February 23, 2013


We are a day early this week. As a gift to each other for Valentine's Day, Karen and I made reservations for a wine tour of Italy dinner at Donatello's at 44 Broadway Route 1  Saugus MA.!

We were greeted on arrival and sent upstairs to a private dining area. It appeared that the size of your reserved party was the size of your table and we were seated at a table for two. Staff was friendly and warm and the decor was elegant.

A couple seated at the next table smiled and said hello as other diners filed into the room. The gentleman at the next table came over and introduced himself as Bob Zohn who, it turns out, would be our guide and resident wine expert for tonight's dinner. With him was his lovely wife Julie. There were about 30 people in attendance.

Bob welcomed all to the evening's meal as the staff poured a 2011 Terlan Pinot Bianco. He explained a lot about the different regions of Italy and how this white was grown and processed. I'm a fan of white wine and enjoyed it very much. It paired with Shrimp Scampi over rabe with sundried tomato, olives and capers. We both enjoyed the dish which had many unique flavors.

So we were on our way as the next course brought us to a different region and Bob told the story of the next wine. It was a 2010 Mastroberendino Lacryma Christi Rosso. A slightly acidic red which paired with cicatelli pasta with a wild mushroom ragu and herbed ricotta. The story is when God ousted Satan from heaven and sent him to Hell, God cried and his tears fell on the region where these grapes are grown. "Lacryma  Christi" is translated as "Tears of Christ".

Our next course was pork loin tonnato over arugula and endive. It was thinly sliced cold pork with a mayonnaise style dressing. Very tasty, however Karen is not much of a cold meat eater but she was happy that we already had our share of greens with each course. It was paired with a 2007 Colombini Brunello di Montalcino. A smoother red with a lot of body.

Our final food course was grilled lamb loin chops with roasted garlic and rosemary with a red wine reduction sauce. I love lamb, Karen does not. She did try it however and came to realize she still doesn't like lamb. Even after numerous glasses of wine. I was in food heaven. On the plate was a half bulb of roasted garlic that you could pick out the sweet cloves and have one with each bite of lamb.

The last wine was a 2009 Zenato Pipassa. A smooth and silky red. Our server commented it was one of her favorites. One we will look for to try at home. Karen and I both enjoyed it very much. Not only because it was like the 8th glass of the night.

Dinner was ended with chocolate cups filled with zabaglione and fresh berries. Sorry there is no picture but it was so good I ate it before I realized I didn't snap one.

Overall, even though a bit expensive, it was a great treat. The owner and host came over to say hello. Bob was quite knowledgeable and humorous during his presentation. The waitstaff was very friendly and accommodating.

These types of diners are held a few times a year and we will be back to enjoy Bob and Julie's company and expertise along with the rest of the crowd that seemed to be regulars.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


Here we are on a Saturday night. This has been an odd month with the Blizzard of 2013 last week and an impending snow storm tonight, we decided to pick up Diane and Steve and keeping with the "someplace new" theme headed to John Brewer's Tavern.

We realized by going here another theme emerged as that of places with Tavern in the name.

We entered a cozy and warm place. Plenty of seating and a bar along one side. It's in a small strip mall so parking was not a problem. The staff was very welcoming and lead us to a booth right away. The theme seems to be a throw-back to the old days of Taverns as public meeting places in a town.

The funny thing about coming here is we have tried to dine a number of times only to have come on nights of private parties or staff holiday parties. So tonight we made it in. My Dad loves to come here for dinner as they serve all the comfort foods he enjoys. And it's close to where he lives.

We had a great server who was very friendly and knowledgeable. We started with a round of drinks and Karen enjoyed a draft beer sampler which included all local breweries.

Some apps and salads were the next course and were served up promptly by the kitchen staff.

Diane and Steve had the Romantic Special that had an App, Salad, Entree and Desert for a reduced price.

Diane opted for some seafood.

While Steve stuck with the tried and true Steak Tips.

You'll notice his signature double hit of potato and no veggies!

Karen had the Steak tips and a double hit of veggies.

She thought they were good, not great, and she liked how the veggies were done. Not a lot of butter and oil, just fresh cut veggies.

I had the Meatloaf. I'm a big fan of meatloaf as comfort food.

It was tasty with a good mushroom gravy. I would have liked it made with a little more meat and not so much filler. When I make it it's always more meat. Unless the grind they used was too fine.

We all finished with a dessert. Karen and I shared a Banana Bread Pudding with Vanilla Ice Cream that was very good.

Overall, we enjoyed our meal. It wasn't the best we have had but it was good fare at good prices. Waitstaff was attentive and friendly.

We'll be back to try other dishes on the menu.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Happy Saturday dear reader.

For those who don't know we here in the Boston area have experienced a huge blizzard over the past 24 hours dropping 25+ inches of snow. The Powers that be made road travel a crime punishable by a $500 fine so we decided to cook in tonight and in the spirit of trying something new (this months theme) we tried a new  recipe.

We found this on a site called We both saw it separately and told each other about it so we were destined to try it.

So here we have Pasta with scallops and tomatoes.

Pretty much a one pot meal with only a few ingredients.

Bay Scallops and diced tomatoes from a can. Pop it in a skillet and simmer. Add some white wine and garlic and it's like heaven.

Here is what it looks like on the plate.

Our only problem was we didn't look closely at the label of the tomatoes and didn't see they had green chilies so we ended up with a "fra diavalo" sauce.

It was unexpected but VERY flavorful. We were both sweating by the end of the meal and our sinus were clear.

Along with some Garlic Bread we we feasted like Royalty!

Paired with one of our favorite brands of wine the meal was great!

Even though we were housebound it didn't mean we couldn't eat great food!

Hopefully next week we will return to our routine.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


So it's February and the Groundhog didn't see his shadow (not that it makes a lot of difference with the crazy weather here in New England). A new month means a new theme so we are trying "Something New".
We are going to try someplace new or something different.

Tonight brings us to Stonewood Tavern 139 Lynnfield St Peabody MA .

When we talked about coming here our friend Jill told us she loved the place and goes there often.  It is located at a small strip mall with a good sized parking area. Next to the door is a patio area where I'm sure there is dining during better weather. Diane came with us this week. Our daughters complained on my Facebook check in that we never invite them.

Upon entering we find a warm and inviting waiting area with a fireplace aglow. The decor is clean and new with lots of tables and a a large horseshoe shape bar with seating all around. We must have come at the right time for we were seated right away. Service was prompt and very friendly. It seems like a good old fashioned local pub where everyone seemed to know everyone else. The atmosphere was pleasant and homey.

The menu had some good comfort food with some nice variations of spices and sauces. In honor of Super Bowl Weekend we had a plate of house Nachos that were quite good.

Karen had the Steak Tip dinner.

Karen loved the presentation of all the meals it showed a good attention to detail. She felt the tips were cooked well and had a Bourbon BBQ sauce. She opted for the Cilantro rice which was tasty but a bit sticky. The veggies were julienne carrots and green beans which were cooked in an oil or butter which left a bit of an aftertaste. As a side a Mango Salsa proved a nice additional flavor to the meal.

Diane had Citrus Marinated Shrimp over Orzo Pilaf.

 She loved the presentation and especially the fact the tails were removed from the shrimp. The Orzo Pilaf was more than enough and in fact enough to take some home to add to a lunch later in the week. Overall, Diane was impressed with a new find for dinner.

I had Low and Slow BBQ Ribs.

I don't have ribs often. Usually if I do have them it's at a BBQ place. However, these caught my eye. I was impressed with the fact the server told me the ribs were pick up and eat as opposed to fall off the bone. I'm sure some people like ribs with a knife and fork but it doesn't matter to me. The ribs were well cooked and plentiful with just the right amount of seasoning and sauce. I hate when the sauce is slathered on and it's the only thing you taste. Tonight I could taste the meat and it was seasoned and cooked well. And I was able to bring a few home for a lunch during the week.

We all saved room for desert. Karen had the Peanut Butter Pie. Mostly like a cheese cake with a good strong peanut butter flavor and graham cracker crust. Diane had the special Blondie Brownie topped with Vanilla Ice Cream. My Dad was a baker his whole life and had a "Blondie" recipe we love, so whenever we see it we are always drawn to try it. I had Bread Pudding which was served with a Bourbon Caramel Sauce.

On the whole a great dining experience for our first time. Service was great. Meals were served promptly and were done well. We were actually in and out about an hour and a half. As we were leaving the waiting area was full of people. I'm sure the later you go the busier it becomes. Are we getting to the age when we seek out the "early bird specials"?  I certainly hope not.....

We will be back again. Maybe for a lunch as the burger and sandwich menu looked pretty good.